Sunday, November 15, 2009

Submit blog to Pingomatic whenever you update New Posts

Submit blog to pingomatic whenever you update new posts is todays discussion. This posts is very important if you want all of your post to be indexed by search engine then read carefully.
We all bloggers want our posts to be indexed by the major search engines as quickly as possible. Submitting new blog to the search engine is one time task which I have already discussed earlier, if you have missed then you can visit

  1. Submit Blog To Google Search Engine

  2. Submit blog to Msn search engine

  3. Submit blog to Yahoo search engine

Once we get indexed, search engine occasionally visit our blogs to see whether there is any new posts or not but the process is very slow. But there is an alternative way, we can inform the search engines that we have updated new posts, come and indexed it in your search engine. Isn't it seems to be awesome method. By the way this feature is called ping. If you don't ping and many days will be taken by the search engine to crawl your blog and indexed the latest posts. So you need to ping whenever you update new posts. It's a matter of few seconds work only.
There is a special website called pingomatic which offers service for the bloggers to ping various search engines, directories, social networking sites etc.
Here's the definition of Pingomatic on their sites

Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated.
We regularly check downstream services to make sure that they're legit and still work. So while it may appear like we have fewer services, they're the most important ones.
Make sure to only ping specialized services if they're relevant to your blog, otherwise you'll cause an undue burden on them.
So open the
You will see a new form, where you will have to submit your blog name, blog URL and Rss URL as shown below in screenshot (picture). Click the picture to enlarge.

Just submit your blog name, blog URL and Rss URL (Rss URL is optional) and tick marked the entire box as I did in the picture. You can just click the "check all" button, all the box will be ticked marked automatically. After that just click on the "Send Pings" button.
That's it, once you do that various some search engines, directories will crawled your blog for updated posts and will indexed in their search engine. You should always submit blog to pingomatic whenever you update new posts. Like after just finishing this post, I will go to pingomatic and submit this link building journey blog so that other people can find my post from search engine and gain knowledge just like you are gaining now. Have a nice day!!!

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